Mobile location data has become a commodity in some parts of the world, yet the quality, uniqueness, and compliance of data sets is a legitimate concern for our customers. Your products and business decisions are only as good as the data fueling them. In addition to upping the ante on data quality and compliance, our sourcing efforts span the globe and reach beyond cell phone pings so growing businesses can be well informed on what is transpiring in target countries.
Mobile Location Data
The Onemata Difference
Data Quality
By leveraging our trusted connections in highly regulated spaces, we are fully transitioning our sources from data aggregators to data originators. We continually and proactively identify, evaluate, procure, and onboard 1st-party originated data. This not only offers our customers the most accurate, authentic, and unique data sets available on the market, it increases the speed and reliability of data delivery.
Regulatory Affairs and Privacy
Onemata’s background in privacy and compliance is unparalleled in the industry. Our leadership team has experience complying with numerous privacy laws and regulations across multiple industries worldwide. As standards for data privacy and integrity take form in the world of location data, we are at the forefront, working with regulators to shape industry laws and regulations at both the state and federal levels.
Onemata is progressively integrating with the Internet of Things (IoT), moving beyond data provisioned from traditional mobile devices to include OBD-II devices, OEM automobile manufacturers, autonomous vehicles, rental bikes and scooters, shipping/cargo/transit, GPS hardware, and many others. These alternative data sources will further increase data volume and quality to help you derive visitation analytics and define and generate prospective audiences.
Ease of Delivery
Our AWS cloud infrastructure is configured to facilitate the ingest of large volumes of data associated with new and unique data sources. While AWS is our preferred delivery method, it is also possible for us to integrate with Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. We will help you set up the most cost-efficient and practical flow of data to your system.
Client focus
We understand that if you don’t get the data you are expecting, you could be in the hot seat with downstream customers. We pride ourselves on reliability and proactive communication and provide white-glove client service to ensure your data flows as smoothly as possible, day after day.
Test our quality for yourself
We will provide you with a sample data set to run through your evaluation process, with data potentially flowing to you within the hour.
Contact us today to get started.